Shalom Aleichem "peace be upon you"
Shalom Aleichem "peace be upon you"
Commandment Keepers Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation
Beth Ha-Tefilah Headquarters Synagogue
Contact Commandment Keepers
223-227 East Kinney Street
Newark, NJ 07105
Phone: (973) 732-2825
Commandment Keepers Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation - Beth Ha-Tefilah Headquarters "Commandment Keepers" welcomes you to our synagogue in Newark, NJ. The congregation holds religious prayer services every Saturday "Shabbat" morning at 9:30 am. Services are held the year around on Shabbat mornings and on all Jewish holidays. There is separate seating for men and for women during services. We request visitors to dress appropriately. No shorts are permitted during services on Shabbat morning. No sleeveless clothing is permitted for services at any time. The view of many is that you should dress as if you’re standing before a king or other royalty (Orach Chaim 91:5). "In the synagogue, we must be much more scrupulous about modesty. We must honor the place and the occasion. The guiding principle must be to view the synagogue as a 'small sanctuary' and prayer as the standing of man before God. And thus, we must dress in the synagogue as we would dress to go greet a VIP, in dignified and modest clothing.” Our rabbis and the Ethiopian Hebrew community are here to deliver the spiritual guidance you need. If you want to become a member, let us know via phone or email.
Your support and generous donations can go a long way in keeping Commandment Keepers congregation’s Shabbat or Sabbath prayer services and programs running. We humbly welcome all kinds of donations and assistance you wish to offer to our synagogue and legacy. Get in touch with us, and learn more on how you can make donations to Commandment Keepers Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation to continue Shabbat prayer services. We also invite you to attend our Shabbat or Sabbath prayer services every Saturday, 9:30 am in the morning.
Help us Make Minyan
We ask that men please volunteer and join us for our Torah Service. We really need your help to make minyan on the Shabbat. We need to have the minimum of ten (10) men. It is considered an honor to make minyan. So, please come out and help us to take out the Torah scrolls. For those who are at home on Shabbat, please consider picking at least one Saturday and join us!!!
Give Tzedakah!
Give Tzedakah!
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"When the Congregation takes out the Scroll of the Torah...the Heavenly Gates of Mercy are opened..." Zohar
Contact Us
Contact Us
Commandment Keepers Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation -
Beth Ha-Tefilah Headquarters
Shabbat Services
Shabbat Services
Saturday: 9:30 AM
Saturday: 9:30 AM
Study Group
Brotherhood of Wisdom Study Group